Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Ripple in My Plans

Swimming this morning felt fantastic.  It was my first time back in the 50 meter pool since the dreadful diamond incident.  (Still no good news.)  I was in the pool before 6:00am, because today I had to swim for 60 minutes and make it to Young Scholars by 8:00.  We beat the swim team there, so the Husband and I even had a lane to ourselves.

My stroke felt strong.  The length of the pool wasn't overwhelming.  But as I picked up my head between strokes to breathe, I noticed an advancing ridge of dark clouds.  I know the rule.  If the lifeguards hear thunder or see lightning, the pool is closed.

I know my training is about time spend in each sport, and not the distance covered, but I started to swim a little faster anyway.  Could I at least finish race distance before the first rumble?


After 1350 meters I heard the whistles.  "Pool's closed!"  I finished my lap and looked at my watch.  But I had only completed 30 minutes!  I was only halfway done!

"What do we do about this?" I asked the Husband as I cleared the water from my ear and headed for my towel.

"Nothing.  We're done."

"Do we make up the time another day?" I asked, starting to mentally scroll through the schedule on my iPhone to see where I could fit in another swim.


"But, we're supposed to swim for 60 minutes," I said, starting to feel anxious.

"It's all a part of training."

"No!  The schedule says 60 minutes of swimming.  I only did 30!"  I was really bothered by this.

"Some days you follow the schedule, and some days you can't.  It's out of our control."

I was having a hard time dealing with this rude interruption in my training as well as in my day.  Then I realized that it wasn't just about the training schedule.  I have a hard time with a change of plans in general.

I'm a planner.  I put a lot of thought and effort into making my plans too.  So when life gets in the way and disrupts those carefully laid out plans, it really throws me off.

As I moaned about my frustration, I remembered Proverbs 16:9.  "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."  How many plans have I made that were changed because of something I couldn't control?  And looking back, many of them were changed to a better plan, a plan that I could not have made on my own.

The Husband and I planned to run a full marathon last April.  We trained in the dark, bitter cold mornings of December and January.  We fought injuries that plagued us all through the month of February.  By the end of the month, we knew we had to let it go.  We were not going to run this marathon.  Oh, it hurt.  It hurt more than my aching hip to think of all the work that we did, and for what?

"But the Lord determines his steps."

Looking back, finishing our training for the full marathon would have been even more disappointing than stopping midway.

No one expected a line of storms to come through Nashville the morning of the Country Music Marathon.  No one expected them to be so severe that they'd reroute runners early to the finish line.  No one expected that their marathon medal would forever symbolize the fact that they had only finished 18 miles and not 26.2.  Now THAT would have been disappointing.

And that would have been US.

And, if not for my injury, I wouldn't have known the blessing of running the Half Marathon with Andrea.

So I didn't get to swim for 60 minutes today.  It's but a ripple in my plans.

I got to swim for 30, and it was a great 30.  Two weeks ago, swimming 30 felt like swimming upstream.  Today felt like jogging in the park.

And instead of dashing off to work after my swim, I had time to sit and enjoy breakfast with the Husband.

I'll keep making my plans, but I pray that God will always determine my steps.


  1. Ok, I must admit. I found a window of sunshine between rainstorms after work. I got in those extra 30 minutes. Thanks for determining those steps, God. It was a lovely swim. :)

  2. I want you to know that reading your blog is quickly becoming a routine part of my day, and I love it! Was at the Maryland Farms pool yesterday and prayed whilst in there that your diamond would find its way to my toes. Alas, no luck. Still praying that sucker shows up!

  3. Thank you, thank you for your encouragement and for the prayers! T and I were both scanning the pool floor yesterday morning!
